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Eugeny Juzhin was born on November, 11th, 1984 in Odessa, Ukraine in a family of teachers.

Parents already at early age noticed at small Eugene the abilities to music and unanimously decided that they need to be developed. So in 1990 Eugeny entered The School of Arts on an accordion class and in 1998 he graduated from it with honor.

But it was insufficiently for him. Eugeny resolved that wanted to train vocal. And in Firstly 1998 he began training vocal in the House of creativity at O. I. Karavanskiy, and then – at the professor of the Odessa conservatory, the national actor of Ukraine – A.T.Kapustin. The same year his debut and a victory at the international musical festival "Italian magic" in Venice (Italy) happened.

Further the train of victories followed:


- Grand prix at IX International festival of arts "Your talents, Ukraine" in Kiev (Ukraine);
- The 1st award winner at XIX International festival "We - the XXI-st century" in Bulgaria;
- The 1st award winner of Ist International youthful musical competition "Blue bird" in Simferopol (Ukraine);


- The 2nd award winner of IIIrd International festival of art of the academic singing "Ukrainian bell canto", Donetsk, Ukraine;


- A victory at XXI International festival "We - the XXI-st century" in Bulgaria (Varna), rank award "the Guest of honor of festival";
- 2nd award at IVth International festival of art of the academic singing "Ukrainian  bell canto" A. B.Solovjanenko's memories, Donetsk, Ukraine;


- 1st award at IIIrd International festival of art of the academic singing "Blue bird", in Yalta, Ukraine;


- 1st award at the International television youthful festival of arts "The Gold Note - 2002", Odessa, Ukraine;

But not only on a creative field Eugeny was a successful, results of study in a classical school also were uncommon. And, as though anticipating the fast moving to Russia, in 2002 Eugeny became "the Absolute winner" at International Olympic Games on Russian language.

In 2002 Eugeny graduated from the classical school with a gold medal and has been invited to training to the Russian Federation personally by the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation.

For higher education Eugeny choosed the St.-Petersburg state engineering-economic university which he graduated from with honor in 2007.

But the love to music doesn't weaken, and, when he was already being first-year student, Eugeny participated in new competitions. And again he continued to win:

 • 2003

- 1st award at the All-Russia festival of student's creativity "The Russian Student's Spring - 2003", Ulyanovsk, Russia
- A rank "The Best vocalist of St.-Petersburg" at the All-Russia competition of arts "POP PROPELLER", St.-Petersburg, Russia;


- The semifinalist of the International competition of young opera singers "BBС - Singer of the World" (Great Britain);


- The winner of competition "ArtStudija-2005", Committee on the youth policy and interaction with public organizations of St.-Petersburg;


- The winner of 1st award of competition "Spring of a romance-2006", St.-Petersburg


- The 1st award winner of XI International competition of young executors of Russian romance of "Romansiada-2007", Moscow.

 All this time Eugeny actively goes on tour. In 2005 Eugeny's strong creative cooperation with well-known Petersburg collective a double duet «Ma.Gr.Ig.Al». Public had possibility to enjoy results of this cooperation in St.-Petersburg, Moscow, Milan (Italy), Shanghai (China);

 Since 2006 Eugeny regularly took part: in programs «Romanticism of a romance» on TV channel "Culture"; in television concerts «Spring of a romance» and «Romance Holiday» on TV channel "100-TV".

In 2007 Eugeny's two solo concerts at Variety theater of Raikin, St.-Petersburg have taken place. Same year the actor has carried out release of the first album «RUSSIAN», together with a double duet «Ma.Gr.Ig.Al».

In 2008 Eugeny enter the St.-Petersburg state conservatory of N. A. Rimskiy-Korsakov on branch «Opera art», D. Karpov"s class, the soloist of Mihajlovsky theater.

There are many various styles and directions in repertoire of the singer: Russian romance, the Soviet song, the Neapolitan songs and romances, classical chamber music, opera art (arias, duets and scenes from operas). There are also the author's songs, some of them are written by the musician, — the national actor of Russia and Ukraine – maestro Alexander Morozov, the Petersburg composer Andrey Medvedev, maestro Igor Korneljuk and other composers. In October, 2010 in the Russian hire there was a scale Russian-American project - a film «Justice of wolves» under V.Kunin's roman «Mika and Alfred» with Michael York in a leading role and a sound-track for this film sang and recorded Eugeny Yuzhin (music by Igor Korneljuk).

Interest to Eugeny Yuzhin's creativity grows every year: its dense tour rounds cover all Russia, spectators wait for his concerts abroad, its performances are broadcast on television with an enviable constancy.